Call for sites as new vision informs Sheffield Local Plan
Details of the new plan will begin to emerge next summer with public consultation on development options, before a full draft plan is released for further consultation in 2021.
In advance of next summer’s consultation, engagement will also take place in the new year with landowners, property agents, developers and local residents to look at how a new vision for the central area of Sheffield could be taken forward in the plan. This will look at areas within and just outside the ring road.
Councillor Bob Johnson, Cabinet Member for Planning and Development at Sheffield City Council, said: “We know that people have waited a long time for the Local Plan which will be so influential in guiding Sheffield’s future development and has such a key role to play in our city’s well-being and sustainability.
“There is now an opportunity for Sheffield to be one of the first cities to truly respond to the rapid changes and challenges going on throughout the world.
“The recent declaration of the Climate Emergency, and commitment to rapid decarbonisation over the plan period, adds impetus to the need to secure sustainable sites for housing growth in the city.
“A stronger focus on the central area would potentially support lower carbon living, providing more efficient buildings and encouraging sustainable travel.”
“Nearly 30,000 people live in the city centre and we think there is huge potential for this figure to grow further. We want to make the city centre a place of ambition, creativity and inclusiveness but we need to look at what could be achieved through the new plan.
“But we need to look at options for future growth across the whole city and assess what is the best way of meeting the city’s future housing needs.
“The plan needs to reflect what people are telling us about where they live and work.
“These are big challenges that will take time to get right. We are committed to protecting the city’s Green Belt wherever possible and focusing more development in the central area of the city will help us maximise the reuse of brownfield sites.
“We understand how important the city’s parks, woodlands and open spaces are to Sheffield people and we want to protect them for generations to come.
“Over the last few years, the council has had to take account of a lot of changes to national planning policies and guidance, including the Government’s Housing White Paper (published in January 2017) and changes to the National Planning Policy Framework (July 2018 and February 2019).”
To enter the website consultation please see Call for Sites
For more information on the timetable for producing the Local Plan, please see Emerging Draft Sheffield Plan