Exciting plans to turn an area of land, part of which was once the site of the Sheffield Ski Village, into a Country Park in the city has continued following the confirmation of funding from central Government.
‘Cobweb Bridge’ on Five Weirs Walk closed due to vandalism and diversions in place

The unique ‘Cobweb Bridge’ on Five Weirs Walk has been closed as a result of vandalism this weekend.
Due to concerns for the safety of the bridge, it has been closed until further notice.
Assessments are currently underway to understand the extent of the damage to the steelwork.
Once this assessment is complete a plan will be drawn up to repair the damage and timescales for how long these repairs will take can be established. Further details will be shared as soon possible.
In the meantime, bridge users are asked to take alternative routes. There are a number of alternatives routes which can be taken which are detailed below.
- From Castlegate, head down Furnival Road and cross at Derek Dooley Way at the traffic lights. Proceed under the railway arch and pick up the Five Weirs Walk at Sussex Street.
- From Castlegate, head along Blast Lane beside the canal, turn left on to Cadman Street and then immediate right onto Sussex Street. Turn left on to Effingham Road and rejoin the Five Weirs Walk at Sheffield Bailey Bridge.
- If accessing the bridge from the Wicker, all users will need to head back to Castlegate and follow the above routes or use Derek Dooley Way to get to Furnival Road.
Cllr Ben Miskell, Chair of the Transport, Regeneration and Climate Policy Committee, said:
“We are disappointed that the impressive Cobweb Bridge on the Five Weirs Walk was closed this weekend as a result of vandalism. Acts like this have an impact a lot of people and I know that it will be disappointing for many not to be able to use this crucial route.
“We’re working to establish the extent of the damage and how long it will take to repair and reopen the route.
“The pedestrian and cycle route provides a key link between the city centre and the east of Sheffield. It is important that we have infrastructure which makes movement across our city as easy as possible and that people treat it with respect.”