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New purpose-built council homes for older people

Drone view of Buchanan Green new OPIL scheme in the sunshine

The latest addition to our Council Housing Stock Increase Programme is the completion of Buchanan Green Older Persons Independent Living Scheme (OPIL) in Parson Cross for the over 60s.

Our housing strategy identified a significant shortage of older persons accommodation and choice of homes for this age group so this development, which consists of 132 units, 114 apartments and 18 bungalows, and is due to open in the coming months, is a step towards improving the supply of the right type of homes for older people.

Half of the new properties will be for the over 60s to bid for under Choice Based Lettings and the other half for these older adults referred through the council’s adult social care service.

Those who live in the purpose-built properties will benefit from larger than average accommodation with the latest assistive technology, out-of-hours concierge, a guest flat for family and friends, private balconies or a garden and access to outdoor space. Pets will also be welcome.

More housing planned

Two further OPIL schemes in the south and southeast of the city at Hemsworth and Newstead are also planned.

We have already increased the number and variety of homes available in Sheffield and several schemes are in progress. So far:

  • 929 affordable homes have been added to SCC housing stock, a mixture of homes purchased on the open market and new homes built or purchased ‘off plan’
  • 101 new homes are under construction and scheduled to be completed by Summer 2023
  • 315 homes on 6 sites are currently being planned and will include new supported accommodation units

A further major investment will also see 6,000 homes benefit from new roofing and 18 of our high-rise council homes receive new roofs and additional insulation.

As a priority too, we are making significant investments now and over the next 5 years to improve the quality of existing council homes, so that everyone can have a warm, safe, and affordable home to live in. This investment programme is creating thousands of apprenticeships and employment opportunities for the city.

We are investing £40 million each year on day-to-day council house repairs.

Councillor Douglas Johnson, Chair of Housing Policy Committee, said: “Buchanan Green is another important step on our way to providing much needed council homes, which will be a mixture of new properties built by the council and the purchase of existing properties and new build homes ‘off plan’ from developers.

“We’re on target with this building programme and the planning that goes with it to provide more houses in the right areas and of the right size and specification.

“In terms of repairing the council homes that we already have; we’re doing our best to catch up with the outstanding repairs that are needed. The backlog was affected by the pandemic, and we know how important it is to our tenants to get through this work properly and quickly.

“We are all aware too of the huge increase in energy bills which will impact on the community heating charge and on all tenants because of the increases in costs from energy suppliers. Our Housing Revenue Account (HRA) hardship fund is supporting our most vulnerable households affected by these increases.

“It’s so important for people to keep safe and warm for health and wellbeing, so we will do what we can to address the struggles that many families in the city will face due to these energy increases.”

Read more about our council housing plan here and if anyone has any questions, they can contact us at: