Palestinian flag to be flown over Town Hall on the United Nations International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People

The Palestinian flag is to be flown over Sheffield Town Hall on Friday 29th November, the United Nations International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, following consideration of a public request received earlier this month.
The UN Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People is internationally recognised and has taken place since 1977.
Sheffield City Council has been asked to fly the Palestinian flag on 29 November this year to demonstrate solidarity and to recognise the thousands of innocent civilians killed, injured, bereaved and displaced as a result of the conflict and humanitarian crisis in Gaza and the wider region.
This decision follows a request from a member of the public which the Leader of the Council, Cllr Tom Hunt, asked the Chief Executive to consider in line with Sheffield City Council’s Flag Flying Protocol.
Since this request was made, the Chief Executive has been gathering information and having discussions with a range of people across Sheffield to understand the impact this request would have on Sheffield’s diverse citizens and communities.
To reach a decision the Chief Executive has:
- Met with members of the affected communities to understand the impact this may have in the city.
- In line with the flag protocol, consulted with political group leaders at Sheffield City Council.
- Requested for an Equality Impact Assessment to be carried out by expert staff within the Council.
- Gathered professional opinions from stakeholders across the city.
In addition to the above, consideration has been given to the Council’s recent declaration of friendship with the Palestinian city of Nablus. The Council is currently exploring ways to strengthen its cultural, educational and young people’s links between the two cities. Flying the Palestinian flag on the Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People also allows us to recognise our new links and commitment to Nablus.
Taking into consideration all the information and viewpoints gathered, the Chief Executive has decided that the Council will fly the Palestinian flag on Friday 29th November 2024.
The flag will be flown between 9am and 10pm.