Refurbishment taking shape at Parson Cross Park

Exciting developments are due to take place at Parson Cross Park to benefit the community, funded by Sport England Created By Rugby League World Cup 2021, The Cruyff Foundation and S106 (planning gain) funding. Work to deliver a much-needed refurbishment of the pavilion in Parson Cross Park is now underway.
Sheffield City Council Sport, Leisure and Health in conjunction with local Councillors have worked with local stakeholders to gather feedback on how the pavilion should be developed. Due to general wear and tear, the pavilion required mechanical and engineering improvement to return to full working order for the pavilion’s users. Additionally, the top plateau of football and rugby pitches will receive perimeter fencing to better support the playing surface. Stakeholders include Sheffield Hawks ARLFC, Sheffield Oaks RUFC, Sheffield and Hallamshire FA and Sheffield Wednesday Community Programme. The bottom plateau of football pitches will remain unaffected as part of these works.
Additionally, following consultation with local schools and the wider community there were requests to improve the playing surface of the football area of the Multi Use Games Area. As a result, Parson Cross Park will receive Sheffield’s’ first ‘Cruyff Court’. Funding has been sourced from Cruyff Foundation, matched with some S106 funding, to provide a high quality, lit, playing surface on one area of the current multi use games area within the park. The Cruyff Court will provide a high quality, accessible, safe playing surface for the local community to take part in sport and physical activity, contributing to Sheffield's Move More physical activity strategy. Once completed, the court will be used to deliver the Active Through Football programme to the community. The Cruyff Foundations objective is to as much space as possible to play sports and be active and we are delighted that they have made Parson Cross Park part of this vision.
Councillor Richard Williams, Chair of the Communities, Parks and Leisure Policy Committee at Sheffield City Council, said: “This is a really exciting time for Parson’s Cross Park – this much needed boost for the park will enhance the area and give the community a park and facilities that they can be proud of.”
The improvement works will be delivered by June 2023.
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