Sheffield welcomed Homes England to the city so development partners could come together and see progress on the latest projects and discuss future opportunities.
Second consultation to open on Older Person's Housing Strategy

Residents will be asked to have their say on a new five-year strategy that will enable older people to live independently later in life.
The draft strategy has already passed through one round of consultation, and further views are being sought on shaping this before it is then approved by the Council’s Housing Committee. This second consultation will go live early next month (February).
In this country, older age is often considered to be 65 and above, but providers of housing for older people set differing ranges – some starting at 50 years old. We recognise that older people are not one group and people biologically age at different rates. This strategy is aimed at tackling the issues that might affect all people as they get older to improve the housing choices that will be available to them – enabling to live independently at home for longer.
There are estimated to be around 100,000 people aged 65 or older in Sheffield. Their contribution to the city is invaluable. Of those 100,000 older people, some 11,000 provide at least 19 hours of unpaid care a week, and more than 8,000 are in employment.
Sheffield has a growing and increasingly diverse older population. Between this year and 2040, the number of people aged 65 and over is expected to increase by 21%, and by 26% for people aged 85 and above.
There are related health considerations to plan for. Most people would prefer to live independently in their own home for as long as possible, but to make this a reality health, care and housing services need to be better integrated.
Meeting older people’s needs will require an increase in accessible and adaptable mainstream homes - including those that are designed for multi-generational living. This also requires more specialist housing providing varying levels of support and/or care. It is estimated the number of properties available to rent is below where they should be, and part of this strategy will look at addressing that shortfall.
The draft strategy builds on the progress made by the Older People’s Independent Living (OPIL) Housing Strategy that was in place between 2017 and 2022. It will address some of the previous strategy’s objectives and will see the Council working collaboratively with our partners, communities and residents.
The scope of the strategy covers three main areas:
- Mainstream age-friendly housing
- Specialist older people’s housing for independent living
- Housing support for all that enables people in later life to live well in their home
The draft strategy has been developed via a cross-sector steering group which includes people with lived experience such as volunteers from organisations such as Sheffield Age UK and Sheffield 50 plus, and officers from the Council’s Housing, Adult Social Care, Planning and Public Health Intelligence teams. That partnership working is essential if the ambitions of the strategy are to be realised.
Cllr Douglas Johnson, Chair of the Housing Committee, said:
“We know that people want to be living independently in their own homes for as long as they can. To do that, their homes need to meet their needs and be affordable, warm and climate-ready for the future.
“This strategy will help us to determine where we need more housing suitable for older people in the city, as well as how we can make our existing homes and neighbourhoods better for an aging population. It is an opportunity to address inequalities for everyone.
“We want as many people as possible to have their say so that this consultation brings in a true reflection of the needs of the people of Sheffield.”
The outcome of this second round of consultation will be presented back to the Housing Committee this summer (2025) where a final policy will be debated by the committee for approval.
To read the report brought to Housing Committee today (Thursday 23rd January), head to the Sheffield City Council website.
To take part in the consultation once it is available, sign into your Have Your Say Sheffield account to be alerted when it has gone live. To sign up to take part in Sheffield City Council surveys and consultations, head to the Have Your Say Sheffield website.