Strategy and Resources Committee will meet on February 21st to discuss proposals for the budget and how, despite a financial backdrop that continues to prove difficult, the Council will deliver on its priorities. The final decision on approving the budget will be made at Full Council Budget Committee on 6th March.
Sheffielders invited to have their say on next year’s budget proposals

Consultation on our budget proposals for 2023/24 is now open and we want to hear from as many local people as possible by 13 January 2023.
In March 2023, Sheffield City Council will set a budget and the Council Tax level for the financial year April 2023 to March 2024.
This is the first budget that will be set under the council’s new committee system. This means that councillors from all political parties have had their say on spending priorities for the year ahead. We want to hear Sheffielders’ thoughts on the budget proposals that have been proposed by councillors through their new policy committees.
Like most local authorities across the country, Sheffield is once again facing a very challenging financial position. After years of government cuts, austerity measures and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, the council faced a shortfall of £79million. Committees have been asked to make significant savings in their areas to help balance the council’s budget for the next year.
The budget proposals also consider the level of Council Tax for the coming year. In the Autumn Statement, Government set out their funding for councils for the year ahead which included enabling councils to raise Council Tax by up to 5% (3% core and 2% Adult Social Care Precept). Council Tax now makes up a quarter of the extra money that Government has made available for councils next year.
We want to hear what the people of Sheffield think of these proposals, including the specific proposals for key areas such as transport, housing and communities, parks and leisure.
Feedback from consultation will help shape the final proposals that will then be debated by all councillors at Full Council in March 2023 when the budget will be agreed.
Councillor Bryan Lodge, Co-Chair of the Finance Sub-Committee said “Times are tough across the board and local authorities are certainly feeling the strain too. The cost-of-living crisis and rising inflation on top of a decade of government austerity measures has left us to make some seriously difficult financial decisions to balance next year’s budget.
“Committees have been working hard to find savings in their areas with councillors working cross-party on the proposals and to date £72million of savings and additional income has been declared. We’ve had some initial indications of Government funding for councils next year through the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement and we will be working to better understand the impact of yesterday’s Local Government Finance Settlement.”
“Over the years, government funding for Sheffield has been reduced by £211million (29%) or £828 per household. Every year we have had to deliver more with less, but this simply cannot continue. Government must do more, and we will continue to lobby for the support Sheffield deserves.
“There is a big challenge ahead of us, but we remain ambitious for this fantastic city we call home. Now, we want the people of Sheffield to tell us about the services they value the most so that we can prioritise spending in these areas and make sure we continue to serve our communities in the ways they want us to.”
Have your say by completing survey online here.
The consultation is open until 13th January 2023.
All responses will inform the final budget proposals which will be considered by Strategy & Resources Committee on 24th January and then by Full Council in March 2023.
If you have any queries or need help with taking part in this consultation, or if you require a paper copy please email us at