Streets Ahead tree replacement programme resumes

16 May 2016
Sheffield’s street tree replacement programme is set to resume following the High Court’s decision which was received two weeks ago.
The High Court found in favour of the Council on all points, reinforcing the Council’s legal duty to keep the highway in good repair. The programme is set to restart ensuring that Sheffield has street trees that are more suitable for a highway environment and better maintained for future generations.
Cllr Bryan Lodge, new Cabinet Member for the Environment, said: “A commitment was made that we would not resume the tree replacement programme until a final decision had been received from the High Court. We have honoured that commitment. We will ensure that Sheffield benefits from the best possible street tree provision for decades to come and the best way to do this is by properly maintaining and renewing some of the current trees we have.
“We are aware that a small number of people will not be happy with this and may want to stop the work. “We remain committed to listening to the views of all residents and will continue the survey process. Therefore the work of the Independent Tree Panel will also continue. We respect their right to protest but will not tolerate any activity which obstructs the work or which places members of the public and our staff in harm’s way.”
Darren Butt, Operations Director, for Streets Ahead, said: “We would like to reassure the public that we will not remove any tree which has nesting birds in it. Our ecology team do check and recheck each tree before we carry out any work on them and this will continue.”