With the number of shopping days rapidly disappearing before Santa begins his rounds, and the chance to get your free TravelMaster CityWide One-Day ticket running out, Sheffield City Council has decided to extend the offer.
Welcoming Jayne Dunn the new Right Worshipful Lord Mayor of Sheffield

Cllr Jayne Dunn has been voted in as the new Right Worshipful Lord Mayor of Sheffield and inaugurated at Sheffield City Council’s Annual General Meeting.
Attendees in the chamber included Cllr Nabeela Mowlana, who said the new Lord Mayor, “Exemplified the qualities of a true leader” and was a person who “acts with integrity” and “unwaivering dedication”.
Jayne is the city’s 127th Lord Mayor and welcomed her role by saying “I am truly honoured to have been elected as the Lord Mayor of Sheffield” in the chamber.
“Since I was elected in 2012, I have seen this duty taken by 11 Lord Mayors, what each Lord Mayor has clearly tried to do is represent the people, their history, cultures, and communities. At every event, function, the Lord Mayor should make people feel special, and this is what I intend to do.”
Jayne was first elected to the Council in 2012 as member for the Broomhill ward and has represented the Southey ward since 2016. “When I became a councillor, it was about changing lives, what I have seen over the last 12 years is the Lord Mayor is a role that can reach out to everyone. Sheffield’s strength is its pride, people and Henderson’s Relish of course.”
During her time as a councillor, Jayne has held a number of positions and gained a broad range of experience.
Over her career as a councillor, Jayne has taken on a number of important roles including as Cabinet Member for Housing and for Education and Skills.
Jayne has also chaired the Licensing and Planning committees and is currently the chair of the South Yorkshire Pensions Authority. In each of these roles, Jayne has championed the voice and lived experience of those who are vulnerable, and has worked hard to improve their life chances and experiences of services.
Jayne has also raised awareness of menopause and period equality issues, including working cross party helping to design the City’s first Period Equality Charter.
Lord Mayor of Sheffield Jayne Dunn said: “I am deeply honoured to be elected as the Lord Mayor of Sheffield. This role is about boosting pride and representing what is great about our city - for me Sheffield’s strength is its people. Throughout my life in Sheffield, the good times and the bad, I have been lucky to live in a community that looks after each other. As Lord Mayor, I will make sure that the achievements of our residents and the dedication they show to the city is given a platform. That’s why I have appointed 12 community champions who will help me promote Sheffield over the year ahead”.
Born and raised in Sheffield, Jayne attended King Ecgbert’s School in Dore and studied at Granville College.
Jayne was a single mum who raised her son on social security and lived in social housing after being evicted out of her home.
After retraining at college, Jayne went on to set up her own business, a beauty salon, and has been a self-employed trader in Broomhill since 2000.
Jayne is experienced at raising money for local charities, including trekking the Sahara to raise funds for local youth homeless charity, Roundabout. During the pandemic lockdowns, Jayne painted to raise money for local causes. In her spare time, Jayne enjoys painting, running and yoga.
For the year ahead, the Lord Mayor will raise awareness on issues that are important to the people of Sheffield, with each month dedicated to a particular issue with a dedicated community champion:
- May - mental health
- June - arts and culture
- July – independent businesses
- August – outdoor city
- September – carers
- October - black history month
- November - male health and wellbeing
- December - family
- January - modern day slavery and human trafficking
- February - young people
- March – female health awareness month
- April - disability awareness
The Lord Mayor elect’s chose charities are The Archer Project and Roundabout.
Lord Mayor Cllr Jayne Dunn finished her acceptance speech: “Thank you Councillors, friends, for electing me to the office and putting your trust in me for the civic year ahead.”