We spoke to Calum Smith, Interim CEO/ Head of Operations at Irise, a period equality organisation about how they support young people.
International Women's Day 2024 - IDAS (Independent Domestic Abuse Services)

For International Women’s Day 2024, we spoke to Noreen, Community Team Manager at IDAS (Independent Domestic Abuse Services) in Sheffield, a domestic abuse charity, about the vital work they do in the city.
What does IDAS do to support people in Sheffield and elsewhere?
IDAS is the leading specialist domestic abuse charity in the north of England. We support over 10,000 people each year across Yorkshire, providing emotional and practical support to anyone impacted.
Why Sheffield for your organisation?
We’re proud to serve the people of Sheffield and be part of such a vibrant and diverse community. Domestic abuse exists across all areas of the city, and we are committed to working in collaboration to achieve a safe, city-wide response.
You can help to make sure our community is safe from abuse and violence by joining our Champions scheme.
Do you have any advice for people who are experiencing domestic abuse and/ or violence?
Domestic abuse isn’t just physical. It includes controlling, coercive, threatening and degrading behaviour, usually by a partner or ex-partner, but also by a family member, even adult children can abuse their parents.
It can also include financial control, belittling someone, isolating them from their friends and family, making threats to children or pets, controlling who they see or what they do or sexual violence. Living with domestic abuse can cause long term emotional as well as physical harm.
If you are concerned for yourself or someone you know we have lots of useful information and guidance on our website.