Sheffield has received Tree Cities of the World recognition, bringing a wealth of benefits to local communities, now and into the future.
Locals encouraged to water young trees this summer

Labels are being fixed to newly-planted street trees across the city next week encouraging local people to help water them during dry weather.
Despite the recent rainfall we had a relatively dry spring, so watering young trees regularly ensures they have the best chance of establishing.
The city’s street tree stock is being managed and maintained by Amey over a 25-year period as part of the Streets Ahead contract.
Melissa Wise, Project Director of Operational Services at Amey says:
“It’s really important that we do all we can to safeguard the trees we’ve planted across the city. The most critical element is to keep them well watered while they adjust to their new surroundings.
“As part of our programme, we water trees as much as we can, but if the weather gets warmer and drier, especially over the summer months, it would be great if local people helped out by giving them extra water, whenever possible.
“Many other local authorities across the country are following similar initiatives to ensure young street trees get the best start in life.
“We would suggest people use tap or rain water but avoid contaminated water that may include harmful chemicals. Ideally, try to give a tree at least 20 litres per watering – although anything you can manage is great.”
Sheffield is home to around 4.5 million trees and 36,000 of these are street trees.
Advice on watering young trees can be found at:
To find out more about our approach to managing street trees visit: